

This is an emotional post written off the cuff. The whys are asking in no particular order. These are purely rhetorical and need no answer. These whys run through my head daily, on repeat. Next time you want to judge, gossip, or offer up "advice" please think twice. Your one moment of ignorance could be [...]

Its Ok.

Its Ok.

Depression. Anxiety. PPD. Bipolar Disorder. Seasonal Depression. OCD. PTSD. With September wrapping up and October starting, I thought now would be a great time to talk about mental health. More importantly, our mental health. September is Suicide Prevention Month and October is Depression Awareness Month. Apparently, I am supposed to keep it a secret that [...]

With A Heavy Heart

With A Heavy Heart

I write this post with a heavy heart. Scrolling through Facebook today, I came across ANOTHER article regarding a young child's suicide. This time we're talking about a 10 year old boy who was bullied due to a medical condition beyond his control. I vowed to Maddie's mom that I would keep spreading the Stick [...]



Dear Quin, You just finished a meltdown. You said a few choices words and broke something I can never replace. By the time it was all over, we were both tired, defeated, and in tears. I never thought this would be parenting. I thought I would issue a warning and you'd back down with an [...]

A Magic Wand In Pill Form

A Magic Wand In Pill Form

A happy pill a day keeps the crazy momma away. Literally. Not even kidding. I'll admit, I have been on and off anxiety/anti-depressant meds for most of my adult life. I have, on more than one occasion, found myself overwhelmed, sad, or anxious. I know that I am a worrier and a stresser. I was [...]