Insider Information

The Ringleader

siaramartinphotography_1400 My name is Leah. I am married to a sports & dart guru named Jimmy (aka JHub). We have one son, Quinlan, referred to as QMonster or Q throughout the club. I can’t forget about my 4-legged fur child, Marshall. We are your typical Alabama suburbia family…assuming typical means chaotic, messy, and always busy!  Though born in the North, I am a true southern girl.  I say sir & ma’am, & I know saying “Bless Your Heart” is the nicest insult you can give someone. I have the typical mom hobbies-shopping at Target, drinking adult beverages, & spending too much time on my phone! Margaritas are my lifeline…literally there is nothing in my world that a margarita on the rocks with a salted rim can’t fix. If you want to know more about me, you can check out my formal introduction post here.

Adoption. Special Needs. Motherhood.

My blog posts will highlight some of the comical Hot Mess Momma moments that happen in my daily life.  I’m sure I’ll write about my friends, family, & acquaintances so if you know me in real life & don’t want to be blogged about, unfriend me now. If you’re a stickler for grammar & spelling, go ahead & get out your red pen, you’ll have a hay day!  I hope this blog brings you laughter & relate-able momtastic moments!  Please note that I use a lot of sarcasm & bad words. Please do not take my humor seriously, it is all in good fun.  Our family has been blessed by adoption. I hope that other families on their adoption journey can share my smiles and tears reading about our journey while finding comfort in their own journey. I also plan to use this blog as a safe place to be raw and real. I am currently going through a new phase in my life that is becoming all encompassing for me. I am hoping to use this blog as an outlet for my emotions and want to get as real as I can about our journey through the IEP process, special needs, and assorted diagnosis’s that our family has recently faced. I know that internet trolls and keyboard heros are out there so if you consider yourself one of those people, please take this as your cue to leave. I have no time for negativity. I hope all my readers can experience the ups, downs, smiles, tears, hope, and love that I experience in my day to day life through my posts.

Stick With Kindness

You’ll see this phrase a lot around here. Bullying is a huge issue that I am passionate about. I truly believe it is our jobs, as mothers, to help our kids learn the real affects of bullying, how to be kind, and when to stand up for themselves or others. I hope you will join me in spreading awareness about a real issue in today’s youth & remind our kiddos to always “Stick With Kindness”

Real. Not Perfect.

This is the lastest mantra around the Club. The HMMC is a place for moms to be REAL. I want to be a safe place for moms to let down their hair down and say what they really feel/think. Around here, we’re more than just the highlight reels of social media. We’re not Pinterest Perfect but we are perfectly imperfect. We celebrate real. We acknowledge the mess. We live in the chaos. We’re real. Not perfect. 

Also Worth Noting:

I will occasionally post about things I LOVE and provide you a link to purchase these items. Sometimes, by purchasing items through these links this blog makes a little bit of money. I promise I am not promoting brands or items that we don’t love or trust! Amazon Associates Disclosure: Hot Mess Momma Club is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to