2019: Word Of The Year

Happy 2019! Its time for my annual Word Of The Year post! Rather than resolutions, I try to pick a word or a phrase to focus my year around. 2018 was Breathe, which I lost sight of and honestly should pick again this year but I am moving on instead. For 2019, my word is PRIORITIZE. I have 4 areas of my life that I want to focus on and get exactly how I want them. I want to prioritize these 4 things and make sure that in everything I do, these 4 things are being taken into consideration. So, in 2019, I am focused on prioritizing.

I guess you are probably curious as to what those 4 areas on. I will tell you but you have to remember, this is a judgement free zone, so you have to withhold your judgement and just go with it…

  1. HMMC: My blog and the Facebook club are my passion. They are where I want to be. They are what I want to do with my free time. This blog is my baby and hobby. Lately, I have lost focus. I got caught up in my life, and the holidays, and just totally dropped the ball here. This blog is my outlet. I need to be writing to keep my sanity in check. The club on FB is my safe space to laugh and vent without judgement. Our little club has become a close knit circle of virtual mom friends and I just love it. So in 2019, HMMC is a top priority!
  2. Healthy Eating: Yeah, I know what you are thinking: “Oh look, another diet resolution. You’ll fail by February just like everyone else.” And I get that because, to be perfectly honest, I hate dieting as a New Year’s resolution. However, I sit here typing this and I am just flat miserable with myself. I am disappointed in myself. I have gained weight and lost my self confidence which isn’t healthy. I don’t want to diet. I want to stick with Weight Watchers and eat healthy. If I eat healthy, I will feel better, and when I feel better, the people around me are better too. So in 2019, healthy eating is a top priority.
  3. Quiet Voice: I know this one sounds so kiddie like I am a kindergarten teacher but this one is a hard one for me. I am a yeller. When I get mad, I yell. It’s a terrible trait of mine and one of the things I hate about myself. QMonster often pushes my buttons and I get so frustrated that I handle it the worst way possible and yell. Its dumb and pointless but I do it anyways. Then, 20 minutes later, when I am calm, I feel like totally sh*t. I read the book 1-2-3 Magic and it had some AWESOME parenting tips and I really want to rely on those methods rather my failing method of yelling. So, in 2019, using my quiet voice is a priority.
  4. Looking Good: This one sounds dumb and/or self involved. Its neither of those things. I have become addicted to my leggings, tees, and tennis shoes. I have gotten in a terrible habit of leaving the house with my hair in a pony tail and doing my makeup in the carpool line. Then I get to work, look in the mirror, and feel anger towards myself. I get so mad that I chose to press snooze 3 times and show up half decent when I could have just gotten up and shown up 100% and felt 100%. When I say “looking good” I don’t mean Kim Kardashian good, I just mean put in the effort and not make the People Of Walmart website good. . An outfit that gives me confidence, makeup that hides my bags, and some dry shampoo-free hair is all I am after. So in 2019, looking good is being prioritized over the snooze button.

I picked my top 4 priorities for two reasons. First: Four is my favorite number so four it is. Second: I listed out the 5 most important aspects of my life. They were my marriage, being a mom, my job, my dream, and myself. I then thought about the things I could change in my life that ensured my most important aspects were being prioritized. Looking Good sounds like it is all for me but it actually didn’t make the list because of me. It made the list for my marriage and my job. I love my job and I have a lot of exposure to higher ups in the company. Because of this, I want to make sure I am never sitting in a meeting feeling like I am not being taken seriously because I look like I just rolled out of bed. I also think that by prioritizing looking good, my marriage will benefit. Of course, my husband loves me in my leggings and tees, but he deserves to have a wife that also takes care of herself and doesn’t show up on a dinner date looking a mess. HMMC is about me and my mental health but it is also about my dream of being a full-time blogger. I have this crazy dream, and while I may never attain it, I must give it an honest effort. I know that I have the talent, content, and drive now I just need to remember it is more important than the latest episode of Dr. Phil. Quiet Voice is about motherhood. It is one thing I can do that ensures I am being the best mom I can be for QMonster. Q has needs that require a different style of parenting. Yelling isn’t that style and I know that I have to make a change in order to help him change his behavior too.  Healthy Eating is about me, 100%. I want to feel better and feeding myself garbage everyday isn’t going to make me feel better. I think eating healthy, along with making myself presentable daily, will give me the self-confidence I once had.

Now, that you have laughed at my priorities, I’ll let you laugh at the way I am keeping myself in check. In a habit tracking app, called HabitBull, I have listed my priorities and their respective frequency standards that I want to be held to. My HMMC priority is set to 3 days a week meaning that 3 days a week I want to do something HMMC related. My healthy eating is set to 6 days a week. I believe in cheat days, obviously. Quiet voice is set to everyday. It’s a must because QMonster doesn’t take off days. Looking good is set to 5 days, mainly because I am not too worried about Saturday and Sunday. I have no problem getting ready on those two days for whatever reason. The app is set to remind me at random intervals to log yes or no if I prioritized correctly for the day. I am actually excited about this app and the setup I have. I have made it challenging yet totally realistic for myself.

So, there you have it. PRIORITIZE is my 2019 focus. What about you? Are you a resolution type person or a word/phrase kinda gal? Comment and let me know what your 2019 focus is! If we have any of the same, let’s be accountability partners! Happy 2019, Mommas! Lets make this year our best one yet!

4 thoughts on “2019: Word Of The Year

  1. Leah, when I read your blog just now I was feeling pretty shitty about life in general. You don’t know it but you have so much of me in you. It hurts to hear you hurting and I do know about feeling down on your self but your a strong woman. You can do anything you put your mind to. I’m cheering for you. Love you so much. Granny

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